Ten top tips when facing redundancy

Monday, February 15, 2021

How to deal with redundancy:

Don’t panic
It’s common for people to either rush into a flurry of activity or be like a rabbit caught in headlights when they get made redundant. Avoid either fate by keeping calm and making a list of all the things you need to arrange in the months ahead. Legal and financial arrangements, outplacement support, talking to your contacts, sharing your new contact details and so on.
Know your rights
Obtain a copy of the in-house redundancy policy if there is one and check out your contract for exit terms. Check out the ACAS and Government websites for information about your entitlements and measures that the Government is putting in place to help employees and businesses. You may also want to consider speaking to an employment lawyer. Is there any chance of being furloughed instead, or could another compromise like temporarily reduced hours be a workable option instead of redundancy?
Do not be afraid to bargain and ask for more than your employer is initially prepared to give. This might include an extra month’s pay, keeping the company laptop, money towards re-training, an enhanced redundancy lump sum etc. Organisations are looking to act quickly to protect their cash flow so they may be happy to offer more if it helps facilitate a swifter and easier exit.
Get support
Help from a professional outplacement company such as Personal Career Management can make a huge difference to your job search success and reduce the amount of time taken to find your next role. You can purchase this yourself, but there are tax and VAT advantages to having it arranged via your organisation. Always check to see if they can supply this for you.
It is easy to take your redundancy personally and to feel aggrieved either by the decision or by the process leading up to it. However, if you do choose to challenge the redundancy be careful to focus on facts and policies, not on personalities. Similarly, when talking to prospective employers about your redundancy, present it as having been a tough business decision and do not criticise particular individuals.

Full Article @ https://jobs.theguardian.com/article/ten-top-tips-when-facing-redundancy/?s=44